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Putting SOA Back on Track with Activity Architecture

There are many rumors about enterprise architecture at this time. I would occasionally see blog entries, or is not whether the enterprise architecture is a compensation for service-oriented architecture. It's really not, it may be that your SOA business architecture will take in his toolbox.

If it helps, I have my own simple way of looking at it. I am inclined to think of enterprise architecture planning and zoning of the company. Enterprise architects dealing with technical details, such as standards, true, but these decisions must also be taken into account if the company does much of the way the planning and zoning boards to take account of a province or a municipality of 10 years master plan for growth and development to take.

But the question is confusing, even among architects who wonder how the efforts of SOA fit together with attune infocom vice versa. Author and former Blue Cross / Blue Shield Massachusetts chief architect Rick Sweeney takes issue with the head in a recent interview published in two parts with Tech Target, and in his new book, "Achieving Service-Oriented Architecture: Implementation of an Enterprise architectural approach "available for preview on Google Books.

One of the key points he makes in this interview is that SOA is effectively blocked by the fact that most companies have to carry it out without too big picture of the architecture level. You've heard it before it is an architecture, not technology, but I think he does a good job of explaining the costs to focus on technology:

He also talks about how IT culture to be changed to adapt to the demands of SOA, including the need to move from the web development silos inherent in the project-oriented. It will be difficult for IT, which actually pioneered the field of project management in companies, but there are real benefits of his advice, particularly if we look at integration.